Playing Rules:

  • Players must check in 10-15 minutes before the start of the session to get a penny/bib. Your "penny/bib" is your ticket into the session
  • Games may be 4v4 or 5v5
  • Games are 6 minutes long; Sessions are 1 hour 20 minutes
  • Each team gets to play (2) six minute games in a row and then rest (1) game
  • Outbreak Staff monitor the games but players must call their own fouls
  • No slide tackling
  • Goalies may pick up the up with their hands on a pass back from their own teammate 
  • When the ball hits the ceiling it is a kick in from the touchline 
  • No hats, glasses, ear phones, or excessive jewelry 
  • Players must wear appropriate soccer attire and shoes for your safety 
  • You must notify Outbreak if you will be more than 10 minutes late to a session. If you are more than 10 minutes late Outbreak will give your spot up to a "waitlister" without refund. 

Field Rules:

  • No Gum
  • No spitting inside
  • No food or drinks on the fields
  • No hanging on the nets and goals
  • No cleats

Refund/Cancellation policy:

  • You must cancel your session 3 hours in advance to be moved to another nights pick up session or refunded
  • All cancellations made within 3 hours of your scheduled pick up session will result in a $8.00 penalty that must be paid on your next visit to Outbreak Soccer Centers
  • All payments will be fully refunded, or transferred upon request, if the pick up session does not receive 8 or more pick up participants 
  • Outbreak Soccer Centers is responsible for notifying every participant a minimum of 1 hour before the session starts if it will be canceling the session. Guests are responsible for making sure Outbreak has current contact information. 
  • You must notify Outbreak if you will be more than 10 minutes late to a session. If you are more than 10 minutes late Outbreak will give your spot up to a "waitlister" without refund.